01237 488090
dentist branded toothbrush
It is estimated that the average person uses 300 toothbrushes in their lifetime with over 200 of these ending up in the ocean. A plastic toothbrush takes up to a thousand years to decompose so with worldwide population passing 7.6 billion, it is estimated that over one trillion plastic toothbrushes could start threatening marine life.
Often dentists kindly offer a free toothbrush to encourage better dental hygene. These toothbrushes are often 100% oil-based plastic and will add to the plastic pollution crisis if not properly disposed of.
Dentists can now choose a competively priced branded toothbrush to reduce their contribution to the platsic pollution crisis. Priced from £0.83 plus VAT, these bamboo toothbrushes offer an ideal giveaway replacement. The toothbrushes are made from FSC approved bamboo, have castor-oil infused nylon 6 bristles and supplied individually in paper bags. Each brush is branded with the name of your dentist practise.
If you would like to learn more about the branded dentist toothbrush service we offer, please complete and submit the form below.